
“Whenever you did this to the least of my brothers, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)

1960 – Zambia
Zambia has been very receptive to our Sisters since our Italian Sisters first went there in 1961. As members grew in numbers, we have cared for the sick and disabled, opened schools and been active in pastoral care. In this wonderful country, which is also wounded deeply by AIDS, in collaboration with the local Church, we seek to educate, help and heal by visiting families. We organize food centers where children can eat at least once a day. We have homes where we take in the very young, offering them instruction and physical rehabilitation. We devote ourselves in various ways to fostering women’s cultural and social development.

1990 – Kenya
In Kenya, not only have the Sisters helped the poor families and helped to educate their children. They have also provided guidance for small Third Order Franciscan groups, keeping the Franciscan flame burning. In the great suburbs of Nairobi, in addition to the formation of the young women who are preparing for religious life, we make our presence felt among the poorest, visiting families and helping children through feeding programs and by organizing new schools.

The Bishop of Malawi invited the Zambian sisters to open a community in Nateghe Farm area in Malawi. For about fifty-four years, this area has had no presence of women religious. The Sisters carry out several pastoral ministries. The Bishop again requested that the Sisters take up the administration of Likuni Mission Hospital, which had been under the management of lay people. Three Sisters have courageously responded to take on the task of revamping the hospital’s declining infrastructure. They are optimistic and determined to do what they can, always relaying on God’s grace and Divine providence.